Oil Paintings

Oil on Canvas
14"x 14"
EGE'S Crown
EGE'S CROWN is an original oil painting inspired by my deep rooted connection with my hair. In itself my hair holds power and memories, as if it were a timeline of major changes in my identity.
This melted metallic head is the perfect piece to display over a conversation pit. "Crucible" encapsulates the atmosphere of an intense and heated discussion. As others may melt and become pliable in the face of confrontation, similar to metal melting in a crucible. This piece depicts the will one needs to possess in order to face this exchange and survive the crucible of parley

Oil on Canvas
30" x 40"

Oil on Canvas
24" x 30"
EGE'S Noble Steed
EGE'S Noble Steed captures the moment of contemplation after a fleeting victory. EGE'S Steed is a fiery beast who’s obstinate nature knows only how to push forward towards triumph. Yet the stillness in the aftermath afford him a moment of reflection. The clouded blue sky that cuts through the blood stained battleground represents the peace that was won, and a vast area which houses the knowledge gained through experience.
EGE'S Witch
EGE'S interpretation of a witch clad in Permanent Alizarin Crimson, and Magenta armour. She sits as if confined to a corner of a deep Prussian Blue background. This piece is symbolic of the prejudice others hold over those they don't understand, choosing to ignore the beauty of whom they unjustly fear.

Oil on Canvas
20" x 24"